La fée verte. The green fairy. Absinthe.
No one is quite certain as to the details of its origin, but absinthe was made famous here in France. Of course, it had a little help from guys like Picasso…
…and my personal favorite, Degas.
There are plenty more, but you get the idea.
Many people, when they think of absinthe, automatically think of Paris somewhere around the late 19th century or early 20th century.
Maybe other people think of this movie.
For most people, absinthe conjures up images of artists, writers, bohemians…Paris cafés and cabarets.
I doubt that there are many people who associate absinthe with this.
What the hell is that? Well, that is Eurycantha Horrida. But, you can call him Spiny Devil Walking Stick. Doesn’t he look delicious? Imagine Spiny marinating in a nice bottle of absinthe for who knows how long.
Nope. I’m not jerking you around. It’s true. For the low price of only $156.66 (€107.15), you can have this:
Personally, I don’t understand the appeal. If you’ve ever tasted absinthe, you know that a giant beetle is not going to make it taste any better. Whenever I did have a drink of absinthe, I never thought to myself, “The only thing that this needs is an over-sized spiny beetle to give it a kick.”
Nah…they can keep Spiny Ugly Walking Stick. I still have Degas and Paris.
Mind you, if i do try it, will I get to like it more and more? After all, absinthe makes the heart grow fonder.
I’ve always wanted to taste absinthe. It’s illegal in England and, i think, the US too.
I would pay $30 right this minute for a beetle that has been marinating in absinthe. And yes, I would eat it. And no, I wouldnt’ share it.
I heard last night that this shit is legal in parts of Canada. The last time I was smashed on Absinthe I was alternating a shot of Absinthe then a pint of Guinness. About four of each. And I was trying to call Tokyo from a payphone booth in downtown Belfast at 3 am, and it took 3 Italians (2 of which I’d never seen before) to pull me out of the booth and shove me into a taxi.
Then i was hungover.
Heh heh…if he sticks with the Green Dragon, cool – but, if he ever mentions an insect, I’d find a way to get out of attending any of his parties.
A friend of mine had a bottle of the stuff and had been looking up recipes to make Green Dragon with it.
I don’t think this is what he had in mind.
Oh, yeah…that guave worm came to mind when I was writing this one.
I’m of the mindset that any food or drink involving any sort of insect is to be avoided.
Sort of like that worm in the tequila thing… yuck and no thank you.
You’re making me want to make a trip to Paris again. I love that artwork.