So, last week I turned 34. I think that turning 34 is for the most part one of those really anti-climactic birthdays. I mean, it doesn’t feel any different than being 33.

Since Olivier is, as my 12 year-old sister describes him, “awesome”, 34 was anti-climactic, but did not suck by any means.

I awoke in the morning & had breakfast in bed brought to me by a crazy Frenchman singing “Copa Cabana”. You really can’t beat that. You can’t…just try…you can’t do it.

He surprised me by informing me that he had taken the day off from work & then gave me a “pierrade“. No, that isn’t something dirty. “Pierre” is simply the French word for stone. A “pierrade” happens to be a groovy little stone that you can slap raw meat on – it cooks it, then you eat it with sauce. It’s a similar concept to fondue…um, but without the fondue pot…or fondue. Stone + Meat = Primal & Very, Very Cool.


Because it was my birthday & nothing can be denied to me, I decided that I wanted to watch all 3 of the Matrix movies back-to-back.

Long ago, after we had met online, but before we had met face-to-face, Olivier & I had our very first debate regarding the greatness of the Matrix Trilogy. Up until last week, he had made a successful boycott of the 3rd installment, but was thwarted by the birthday wish. No one can defeat the birthday wish.

I requested a bucket of chicken from KFC for my birthday feast…it’s shit & I love it, but only allow myself to eat that Kentucky Fried Crap on certain occasions.

For the next few days, chicken grease oozed from our every pore…our bowels churned with a Kentucky Fried oil slick. We were drooling 11 herbs & spices as we tried to recover from a severe case of Deep Fried Shock.

So yummy delicious. Some birthday gifts just keep on giving.[tags]Birthday, Matrix, KFC, [/tags]