13 Movies That I Want to Watch (But Don’t Exist)
1. Don QuixoteTerry Gilliam has already tried to make this one. Evidently, the movie didn't want to be made - flash floods, an injured lead actor & the Spanish air force proved to be rather expensive & inconvenient flies in Gilliam's ointment. The good news is, Gilliam is rewriting the script as I write this post. Hopefully his second try will turn out better & we won't end up with Lost in La Mancha II: The Next Disaster.2. JerichoThe show that, in spite of being saved once by an insane amount of peanuts, eventually came to an end. A feature film is in development. Unfortunately, "in development" doesn't necessarily mean the same thing as, "Fuck yes, we are definitely making this movie!" So, until then... I wait.3. Arrested DevelopmentWhy this show was canceled to begin with is beyond me. It's one of those stupid things that happens. It doesn't make sense & can only be explained with the statement, "some...