Single-Serving Friends in Salta
I didn't know much about Salta. I was told there would be wine and mountains -- not wee fucking hills, but proper mountains. That's all I need to know. I don't require much more than wine and mountains to be happy. I'm low-maintenance like that.After a short flight from Buenos Aires and a 20-minute cab ride, we arrived at our hotel, El Castillo de San Lorenzo.Our first couple of days and nights at the hotel, we were exhausted, so we didn't do much. We strolled around the area of San Lorenzo, the tiny little town where our hotel was located. We passed a couple of horses, several dogs and a smiley hobo who decided to chat with a tree after he realized we weren't going to be very good conversation. Neither one of us could understand the poor guy. Not because we couldn't understand any Spanish, but because we do not speak tree.We stayed in and had dinner in the...